Some of the greatest lines I've ever written come from dreams. They are just lines that I remember, usually completely out of context. I don't always remember what was happening in the dream that brings up the thought or line of dialogue but I'll find myself repeating the line over and over again until I wake up enough to write it down. It happened to me the other night. I wish I could remember what the dream was about. I remember another dream that must have happened close after or just before, but the not the one the line comes from. By now you are wondering what the line was, huh?
"We were like a little gang, sharing antibiotics and lovers." (all rights reserved. Don't steal this!)
Deep, right? What or who could I have been dreaming about? But dang, what a line! Someday, I hope I can use it. One day I hope to write lines like that one while I'm awake. And many more of them. Stories need a lot more than one really great line.
And what kind of dialogue was this? Was it the omniscient narrator? Was it one of the characters describing himself and others to someone? I guess I'll find out if I ever getting around to using it in a story.
The dream that happened around the same time was one of those where you feel the moment in your body. I don't know what those are called. (excuse me one second while I go "google that") Lucid Dreams...that the term I was looking for to describe how this dream felt to me. I was in a vary narrow and long boat, similar to a kayak, but open like a canoe. I'd never seen this type of boat before, but now that I'm thinking about, it might have been like one of the boats they use for crew. What are those called? Scull. Hold on a second! It was a single scull. That was the boat. Anyhow, I was on a lake, but it was super still, no waves at all. The water was very dark and it was night time. I started skimming around on the top of the lake and was going in every widening circles and increasing speed. I was heading outside of the light of a big flood lamp that was over the water and someone asked me where I was going and I told them that I didn't know but that I was just trying to go very fast. I could feel the sway and speed of the boat. Mind you, I have never in this lifetime been in a scull boat, let alone a single. I don't swim well, and I don't row crew! So, it was one of those weird dreams that either stem from some desire to try something or maybe it's a past life memory. In any event, it was a powerful dream. I woke up and my whole body was "pins and needles".
That was quite a night.